And He was saying to them, “The Harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest field.”
Luke 10:2
March 21, 2019
Jesus commanded his followers to go and make disciples and yet it’s still easy to forget our mission. Instead of making and multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ we can become sidetracked by other seemingly, albeit less important issues. However, the command of Jesus has not changed. The mission of the Church is to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples.
The challenge is that when we begin to understand the necessity and scope of the mission Jesus has in mind it can become overwhelming; for good reason. Right now, there are over seven billion people in the world, many of whom have never even heard the Gospel. This may lead some to believe that reaching the world for Jesus Christ is a statistical impossibility. However, what may “sound” impossible is “actually” possible because the reality is that all things are possible with Christ.
Therefore, in Luke’s Gospel, Jesus provides a tool for accomplishing the vision…Prayer. We are called to ask, literally beseech, the Lord of the harvest to send laborers out into His harvest field. Notice that Jesus is the Master of the harvest and all the harvest belongs to Him. In other words, we do not need to become overwhelmed that the task is too difficult or begin to think that certain territory on the globe belongs to us. We are simply called to pray and ask the Lord to accomplish what he already intended to do. God loves the world and wants all people to have a way of hearing the Good News.
Would you be willing to ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers today? Would you be willing to submit your name to him so that he may use you?
Dear Jesus. Please raise up and send out workers into Your harvest field. As I am praying today I am submitting my name as well. Here am I. Send me. I am willing to go wherever you lead me and willing to share your Gospel to anyone at any time. Thank you for responding to my prayer. Amen.