“The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.”
Psalm 23:1
July 12, 2018
Trust Him
Strength, self-reliance, independence, and autonomy are words that we tend to value in our culture. We may often believe that the best way to enjoy life would be to arrive in a season where we are no longer dependent on anyone else and that we can simply take care of ourselves. The Bible teaches the opposite.
God’s desire is for us to rely upon His strength because He is Sovereign and is a terrific provider. God wants us to trust Him for His best no matter the situation because He knows what we need and when we need it. By depending upon Almighty God, we demonstrate our faith as well as our contentment in Him providing for all of our needs. The result is that we no longer have to live with anxiety and fear but can delight in the fact that our Father takes care of us.
While there is nothing wrong with working hard and using our best gifts for His glory, we are still called to trust God for all of our needs. He is a good Father and every good and perfect gift comes from Him. This is why the Scriptures teach that when we trust Him we will not be in want, but rather will have the desires of our hearts fulfilled. Will you trust God today for all of your needs?
Dear Heavenly Father. I confess I have tried to be my own provider and am stressed and anxious in life. LORD, please be my provider and help me to be thankful and content with all the ways that You have provided for me. Jesus, it is my desire from this point forward to rest in You and tell You about my gratitude for who You are and for all You continue to do for me as well as in and through me. Amen.