Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called.

Ephesians 4:1

November 8, 2018


A few months ago, my wife told me that her SUV was “wobbling” when she was on the highway. As I asked her a few questions, she mentioned that the faster she traveled, the more the car shook. So, I took her car to a local repair shop to have them diagnose the problem. The mechanic told me that her vehicle was out of balance and needed to be realigned – a simple fix. You see, the car was fine, but needed to be realigned.

Often our lives need to be realigned because they are out of balance. Jesus Christ commissioned His disciples to follow Him and be His witnesses. The same holds true today. Throughout the Scriptures, we continually read that God created us so that we would worship Him and spend our lives as His witnesses. However, we drift into selfish, sinful patterns that focus on ourselves and what we desire to accomplish in this world. Not only does that pathway leave us empty, but it also keeps us from a life that is filled with the joy of Christ.

Perhaps you have trusted in Jesus Christ, but you are sensing a “wobbling” in your walk with Him. Realignment starts with centering the entirety of your life upon the Lordship of Jesus Christ. While we are indeed a work in progress, we must ask if there is any area in our lives where we are not aligning with what the Holy Spirit would have for us. This could be seen in the form of unconfessed sin, unforgiveness, unwillingness to yield to God’s Word, selfish ambition, or even a loss of our first love of Jesus Christ.

When we sense a “wobbling” in our walk with Jesus Christ, we should immediately allow the Holy Spirit to diagnose the problem and do whatever we can to make sure that we are aligned and abiding in Christ. This allows us to journey with Him unhindered while we are here on the earth. So I encourage you to allow the Holy Spirit of God to diagnose your walk with Christ today.


Dear Jesus. I have been sensing that my life is not aligned with You. Please show me through Your Word and by Your Spirit what I need to stop doing, start doing, or start doing differently. My trust is in You alone. Amen.