This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

January 4, 2019


You are only given a one-day contract in life. There are no guarantees that you will have life in this world tomorrow. That’s why throughout the Scriptures, we read and are encouraged to make the most of every day that we have, because every day is gift from God.

Many believers live their lives looking in a figurative rear-view mirror, considering what “could-a,” “would-a,” or “should-a” been, or reflecting on the fact that their best days are behind them. This way of living leads to stress, anxiety, and discouragement. We are encouraged to repent of past sins, learn from our mistakes, and be grateful for the goodness of the LORD in our lives. At the same time, we are not encouraged to live in our past.

Other believers are visionary and are constantly living in the hope of a preferred future. Often times, these believers will discuss how our best days are ahead of us (yes, I’m guilty as charged). The Scriptures do teach that we are to eagerly live for Christ’s return and yearn for what lies ahead. However, we are also called to live in the moment.

When Jesus Christ came to Earth, one of the names He was given was Immanuel, which means God with us. Jesus is still with us and wants us to live and dwell with Him in the present. God has been Sovereign over our past and definitely holds our future; however, He wants us to enjoy the moment with Him.

Here’s the truth…regardless of your circumstances today, God is in control and is worthy to be praised in the moment. Will you pause RIGHT NOW and give God praise for the fact that He has designed today and that we will rejoice and be grateful for Him.


Dear Jesus. Thank You for today! You have designed every circumstance and situation for my good and I am grateful for what You are building in me. May my life today be one of gratitude and thankfulness for who You are. I may not be given tomorrow, but I praise You for who You are in my life today! Amen.